현시재시군한 [981902] · MS 2020 · 쪽지

2020-09-24 23:55:17
조회수 345

영어 빈칸 자작(2)

게시글 주소: https://h.orbi.kr/00032332480

 정답 댓글에 해설은 투표수 10 넘어가면 올림.

 'What makes one superior to others in thinking more highdimensionally?' This problem can be solved by looking at the two philosophers , R and L. R was born with a family background,where his parents were payed for basic laboring, given no chance of talking with parents anything related to his field. Nevertheless, he did not let himself absorbed into the circumstance, rather he made a conduct far from what he was likely to commit considering his familiar setting and that was studying over and over again. Of course, acting in a way that is far from what his parents expected, it took a long time until he had gotten to be acknowledged by other people. Besides, L was raised by a family leader of which was a war-hero who saved the life of the headmaster of a decent school. Thanks to the feat his grandpa made, L was given a chance to study in the school where everything needed to foster a philosopher was there within. Despite the social background in which L was born and several big wars took place, causing numerous bodies shifted to corpses, L was able to win the competition of making people come up with one's name when talking about Philosophy. All things considered, it is rational to make an agreement of the following sentence, (            ) raises great philosophers.

1. enthusiasm for learning 

2. great teacher

3. social background

4. familiar background

5. informal education


최대 1개 선택 / ~2020-10-01

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